Secure spring boot application with keycloak

This is the last blog of the series of securing spring boot application with keycloak. It is recommended to go through this first blog and second blog here.

In last blog post of this series we saw how we can configure keycloak for our application. Now in this tutorial we will see how we can use keycloak with spring boot.


  • Docker
  • Keycloak


  • Spring Boo: 1.5.17.RELEASE
  • Java: 1.8
  • Keycloak: 4.0.5-Final

Create sample spring boot application


  • Spring-boot-starter-web
  • Keycloak-spring-boot-starter

Create rest controller class

Secure App with keycloak

Add maven dependency for keycloak and spring security -

  • spring-boot-starter-security
  • keycloak-spring-boot-starter

Configure keycloak server url and realms details in file

Configure keycloak security settings in the application

Add the blow class to configure the keycloak

KeycloakSecurityConfigurer.class extends KeycloakWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.class that provide convenient base class for creating a WebSecurityConfigurer instance secured by Keycloak.

GrantedAuthoritiesMapper is mapping interface which use to convert case of the role used in the keycloak from lower case to uppercase.

KeycloakAuthenticationProvider perform authentication process.

NullAuthenticatedSessionStrategy since we are using rest full service so we can provide null authenticated session strategy.

KeycloakConfigResolver use to tell keycloak to use spring boot configuration. Instead use the configuration from the spring boot configuration resolver.

keycloakAuthenticationProcessingFilterRegistrationBean, keycloakPreAuthActionsFilterRegistrationBean are used avoid re-registration of the filter.

Running application

start the application using

mvn spring-boot:run

Call the admin api without security token image

Get access token for admin role image

Access admin api with access token image

Access user api with access token will give error because user role required for access user service.


Get access token for user role


Access user service


You can get the source code from Bitbucket